Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Adams and Marie

We'll wait until dark
to move you
Let me try and move you after dark

Lights blur into lines
Strangers getting stranger
searching like the mob
we get stronger together

Things fall apart
the center does not hold
holding the talisman in my hand
I reach for the ace up my sleeve to find
the only constant

your face in profile
diamonds in freckles
hair calming the breeze

Only you

Mulholland waits

Cleanse the hurts denning secretly in my secret heart
This sacred agreement holding us on these roads forever broken
Mulholland watches and waits until the sun turns red
and the sea reclaims the land
In the hills, the cities, schools of fish
That's right I can see the future now

I can see the future
In lights, our names together, ten feet tall
Brightening the lives lucky enough to brush up against yours
And all of those unlucky enough never to know you

Mulholland waits
like no one else knows it exists
At hollywood and highland
the strangers act like we're not even irish
even though we're drunk
the big 5 snarled like knots on fingers
the 118 and 170
the 101 all the way to the water
the 10 coming all the way back to the wine

So if the world ended in darkness
I would feel around for your hand
Until I hold it in mine
We'd search for my car, the color of darkness
And speed into the black
and pray
we've got just enough gas left to get us home

Don't leave me alone


Soft touch you and me
trying so hard to be hard
We see through each other
into what's been left behind
by the users and abusers
and by the dogs chasing their tales and howling for blood

What they have no use for
what doesn't taste like flesh
but spirit
and white light
compassion and courage

Sun blasted, road tested, bruised and broken
but still here
and still alive
at the center
soft and sweet
this beating, bleeding heart we share

I'll protect you if you shelter me

1 comment:

Dilly Dally said...

I love you bunny face. That's right. BUNNY FACE.