Monday, November 24, 2008


i want to sing in my chains like the sea

i want to smash the servo-mechs

i want to be the new messiah
a humbug magician of the rational
welding wizardry and science together
until a new form is created
an eyesore the peasants will fall onto their knees before
unable to control their laughter and tears and bleeding hands
spoken of in hushed tones while ancient mariners' fingers fork the sign of the evil eye
some rusting, oily, engine of destruction that will hold the acolytes in thrall
something the people will dread

i want to leave everything behind
escaping on wings of some diaphonous material
seethrough but strong
a very real toad in this imaginary garden

i want to burn it all down
being born again in the fire
born unto new worlds through the healing flame
somehow surviving the heat and scars

i just want someone to draw a yellow plague circle around my feet
to cast me out
to point and stare with their lonely forgotten eyes

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Suppose you arose from repose in your clothes
impaled through the chest by a dream
the ache of the stake keeps your memories awake
in both sleep and the space in between
you struggle and scrape try your best to escape 
shut the doors to the horrors you love most
but no matter the maze of the paths that you blaze 
you still stand face to face with your ghosts
travel you do, for you must
no use looking back in disgust
the sword of your pride must stay sheathed at your side
only drawn at the cross of your trust
don't poison your mind with the blame
it's nothing when it's not the same
no matter how strong you built it, 
what's wilted is wilted
drift along same as you came. 
suppose you arose from repose in your clothes
impaled through the chest by a dream
the ache of the stake keeps your memories awake
in both sleep and the space in between